The Annual Holiday Dinner at Dr. Mohite’s home with friends and family! Bidding adieu to 2023 and gearing up for 2024!

Prof. Mercouri Knatzidis visited Rice University to give a seminar at the Chemical Engineering Department, followed by a lunch with our group members!

Mohite Lab’s Christmas party with friends and family! Special guest Prof Jacky Even!
Mohite lab group members enjoying dinner at the Spring MRS meeting 2022 in Hawaii!
Farewell Coffee and group meeting for our Fullbright researcher Anamika, who is returning to India after staying with us for 9 months. We will miss you, Anamika!

Fall weather and coffee make for a great outside lab meeting!

Farewell Lunch for our research scientist Dr. Jean-Christoph and exchange student Yafei Wang. We learned so much from both of y’all and hope to remain connected!
Dr. Mohite’s annual Deepavali-Halloween Party (2019)